Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 4/24/2024 - 7:00 PM
Category: Safety and Security
Type: Info
Subject: Comprehensive School Safety
Vision 2026:
Academic Excellence Strategies 6
Support the social and emotional needs of students.
Operational Excellence Strategies 6
Maintain and enhance a positive organizational culture.
Background District 200 prioritizes the safety of all students through a comprehensive and strategic approach. Our safety and crisis response plan is comprised of preventative safety and security measures and interventions combined with response protocols to ensure the well-being of our students. We are committed to continually improving safety in our schools through both team structures and frequent assessment of our safety plan. Through these processes we will continue to strengthen and improve safety in our schools.
File Attachment:
Comprehensive School Safety BOE COW 4.24.24.pdf
Summary: The Board of Education will be presented with a report on our comprehensive approach to safety that includes employment screening procedures, school security policies, vulnerability assessments, social-emotional interventions, mental health procedures, disciplinary policies, crisis plans and response processes.
Board Policy 4.170 Safety, 4.190 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program, 4.150 Facility Management and Building Programs, 5.30 Hiring Process and Criteria, 6.235 Access to Electronic Networks, 6.65 Student Social and Emotional Development, 7.70 Attendance and Truancy, 7.190 Student Behavior, 7.250 Student Support Services, 7.290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention, 8.30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Chris Silagi - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Jeff Schuler - Superintendent