Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 9/13/2023 - 7:00 PM
Category: Discussion Items
Type: Info
Subject: CAC Agenda Topics
Vision 2026:
Background The CAC Bylaws include language relating to the establishment of agenda topics for the year. The agenda for each meeting is established by the Chair and Vice-Chair during monthly planning meetings with the Superintendent. Agenda topics can come at the request of the Board of Education, or through committee member requests or feedback. Attached is a document highlighting potential topics for the current CAC year. The topics come from anticipated policy or program discussions identified in the strategic work plans for the school year, or from committee feedback. This proposed set of monthly topics is flexible, but has been aligned to projected discussion timelines with the Board of Education. Board Members are asked to bring any additional feedback on CAC Agenda items to the discussion on Wednesday evening.
File Attachment:
CAC Proposed Agenda Topics.pdf
Board Policy
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Jeff Schuler - Superintendent